Tag Archives: KingCorn

Do You Know How Your Tax Dollars are used in Farming ?

13 Dec

Taxpayers would be in for a shock if they found out how their tax dollars are used for farming. On farms animals are fed corn even if it kills them only because it makes them fatter faster. They are in small densely packed areas where they can’t move around much because it helps them gain weight faster.  The corn the animals are fed is not good for them because the animals are not supposed to eat corn as it can kill them but that is all they are fed on feedlots. 70% of the U.S’s antibiotics is consumed by the animals on the farms .

Taxpayers money funds this mistreatment of animals like how baby chickens once born are taken from their mothers to have their beaks cut off so they can’t  peck anything.  This process hurts them but they can’t do anything about it, and it is terrible and should be stopped. When they are older most chickens can’t walk more than a few steps because they fall down because of how fat they have become in such a short time from all the corn they consume. Would you want to stop this?

Because of all the corn, that you fund, that is fed to the animals almost all of our food has corn in it. The corn is also unhealthy for us because it is used as a sweetener in artificial food and is killing us. you are basically paying the government to kill you. Also your tax dollars are going into the production of corn and over 30% of the corn isn’t even in our food. The corn that is growing is sprayed with ammonia and pesticides. It must be asked would you want to fund all this with your own food?